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Do You Ever Feel Invisible?

Maybe you feel invisible amidst all the online dating profiles.

Maybe you feel invisible when you walk into a crowded cocktail party, fundraiser, or networking event. Your only friend there is your cell phone or the cheese platter, maybe?

Maybe you feel invisible on the weekends when you hole up at home, getting your errands and chores done, and before you know it, the weekend is over and you haven’t gone anywhere or done anything fun – or met anybody new.

I provide an invisibility cure for my clients.

Occasionally, some people shy away from even asking about what I do. They shy away from asking the types of questions that would tell them if I could help them. They shy away from asking what it's like to work with me. They even shy away from talking to the clients who love me!

What are they shying away from? The knowledge of just how much their personal lives -- their love lives -- could change for the better.

They get hung up on an unspoken worry such as, “I’ll be the weirdo who had to pay someone to find a relationship!”

Or they get hung up on an unspoken worry such as, “How much does a love coach or dating coach cost?”

I have a better question for them: How much is your invisibility costing you?

Like I said, I solve invisibility problems for the people I work with. I LOVE doing it -- and they adore me for it!

For my date coaching clients, I follow a process that works.

For my matchmaking clients, I bring people through the gate.

What does that mean, specifically?

We follow an organized and proven strategy. We use multiple tools and technologies. We explore many metaphors and apply many analogies (usually sports-themed, if I'm being honest, lol). Sometimes our job is to provide a counterpoint, a shocking statistic, or an innovative way of doing something you’ve always done.

We also provide timely guidance on the things that are happening right now in your social life and love life. And yes, sometimes it’s emotional.

Everyone has a different story and a different lens through which they view relationships. Sometimes those stories are due for a transformation; the lenses are due for some cleaning. We work on all aspects of your life – because it’s all connected: your health & wellness, your personal development, your professional development, and your spirituality. It’s all part of your total package.

Bottom line: We help people get relationship-ready. This requires being bold.

We help you shine your light.

We help you provide a higher vibration than what’s currently found in the dating market.

Want to lay the groundwork for working with us? Here are a few steps you can take right now:

  1. Get an updated professional photo -- or a really good one shot by a friend.

  2. Write a short bio about yourself. 3 sentences or so should do the trick.

  3. Think in advance about what kind of questions you want to ask me – and what kinds of questions I’m likely to ask you! I don’t offer my services to everyone who inquires, so it’s important to put your best foot forward with me, almost like you would on a date! Be ready for some Q&A that could change your vibe and your life!

  4. Make a commitment. Make a commitment to your happiness. Make a commitment to pursuing what you want. This is not the time to channel your inner jelly fish.

If anything I shared here spoke to you, I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to reach out to me at

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